Are Fat Burning Supplements Safe? Side Effects of Fat Burners

Anyone with any sort of pre-existing heart, hormonal or digestive condition should seriously consider avoiding fat burning supplements. For other people, it remains a personal choice, but one that should be made with a certain degree of wariness.

Fat burner pills are a growing industry in modern society. With media pressure to be thin and beautiful increasing, many are motivated to try fat burner pills to achieved rapid weight loss. Caffeine and ephidrine are common ingredients used in fat burner pills.

Generally, a fat burner is prepared by combining caffeine, l-carnitine and green tea extract. These are usually effective, but may be accompanied by some complications. Immediate benefits of fat burners include body detoxication, revitalisation, increase in stamina and effortless weight reduction. Unfortunately, these changes do not hold for long term.

What are Fat Burners?

The term ‘fat burner’ has been a popular topic of discussions pertaining to weight loss and fitness. There is no food that helps to lose weight, fat burners being no different. These supplements help in increasing metabolic rate, resulting in burning of more calories. For weight reduction, burned calories should come from fat, carbohydrates and protein. Some of the modern fat burners also trigger fat oxidation process for weight reduction.

Complications of Fat Burners

  • Putting Heart at Risk: Scientifically prepared heart burners exposes human body to ailments associated with heart. Owing to the stimulation, there is an increase in heart rate, overdose of which could prove fatal.

  • Allergies: Fat burners are prepared by scientific methods and contain several ingredients that could cause allergic reactions.

  • Addiction: Dosage for a prolonged duration sometimes results in addiction. Continuing with the pharmaceutical drug is more likely to cause problems.

  • Behavioural Change: Fat burners might cause problems to the nervous system, which could lead to irritability and edginess. Effect on nervous system usually includes hunger suppression often leading to conditions such as deliriums, hyperactivity, increased blood pressure, hot flashes and insomnia. In addition to this, blood clot has been reported in cases using fat burners for reducing weight.

  • Stomach Problems: There is a probability that metabolism will be affected by the consumption of unconventional health supplements. Regular consumption of weight reduction supplements can bring in stomach problems such as constipation and diarrhoea. These supplements decrease vitamin content in the body, increasing dangers of other health hazards.

  • Affecting Normal Body Movements: Potent bodily discomfort is one of the side effects of consuming fat burners. In such a situation, one loses control on bowel movements. Besides, there is considerable increase in flatulence and stool becomes oily.

  • Other Ailments: Headaches, stomach ache, mouth/throat dryness are some of the common side effects of using fat burners.
  • Fat burners can also have negative side effects on a mental and emotional level. Vanderbilt University researchers stated that fat burner pills such as ephedrine can cause nervousness, anxiety, aggressive behavior or emotional mood swings. In extreme cases, people suffering these side effects are at heightened risk of causing self-harm.

Are Fat Burning Supplements Safe? Side Effects of Fat Burners Are Fat Burning Supplements Safe? Side Effects of Fat Burners Reviewed by foodviki on 7:13 AM Rating: 5

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