The increase in height of an individual is
dependent on the age of the person, there are certain stretching exercises
that can increase muscle length and enhance height even after puberty. The
muscle stretching exercises can be categorized into static, dynamic and
pre-contraction stretches. Here are some functional exercises for height
When it comes to
height increasing exercises, nothing can beat the benefits of swimming. It is a
simple, refreshing and low-impact cardio exercise that stretches almost all
parts of the body and helps in increasing your height. It is also one of
the best cardio workouts to lose weight. Swimming for at
least 5 hours every week can do wonders in making you taller. But if you are
new to swimming, then it is best to learn swimming under the guidance of a
qualified coach. Swimming targets the torso, muscles of the upper body and
hips. You might feel some strain and stress at the beginning, but the sore
feeling will be gone soon.
You can also opt for dry swimming that can be done in
your room. Lie on your stomach with your arms straight on the ground and your
legs straight. Now, raise your left hand and left leg diagonally from the body
and hold this position for 10 seconds. Now, repeat the same with your right
hand and leg. Do 3 to 5 repetitions and then relax.
Jumping Exercises
Doing jumping exercises is the best way to increase
height in an effective manner. During jumping exercises, the spine and
calf muscles experience stretching due to the forceful lifting of the feet
from the ground. Jumping exercises also increase blood supply to the bones and
increases bone density, and it also stimulates the growth hormones.Some of the
best jumping exercises are jumping ropes, spot jumps, vertical jumps, squat
jumps and sports like basketball – all of which stretch out the cartilage of
the legs.
Hanging Exercise
This is a simple and fun exercise for height increase
that shows results quickly. Hanging exercises can be done anywhere, and they
provide a great challenge to the body. It might be tough in the starting, but
you will get the hang of it with practice.
Hanging from a bar vertically causes spine extension
and elongates the cartilage present in the vertebral column, which helps in
increasing height. Grab a monkey bar or pull-up bar, hang from it keeping
your upper body relaxed and your arms straight. Hang on for 30 seconds and
repeat the exercise 10 times. Bend your knees if the bar is too low.
Standing and Seated
Toe Touch
One of the easiest and most effective exercises to increase
height is the standing and seated toe touch exercise, two of the
basic stretch exercises. It increases the flexibility of the muscles and
bones, and straightens the spine which in turn boosts height. You may face some
resistance and difficulty in doing the stretches initially, but with time you
will be able to perform them with perfection.
§ Standing Toe Touch: Stand straight with your feet
placed hip width apart. Bend headfirst and touch the floor with your palms or
fingers. Make sure that you do not fold your knees. Stay in this position for 5
seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat this stretch 15 times.
Seated Toe Touch: Be seated on the floor with
your back straight, legs stretched in front and toes joined. Bend headfirst
from the waist and stretch your arms forward to touch the toes of your feet.
Hold this posture for 5 seconds and return to the starting posture. Repeat this
stretch 15 times.
Cobra Stretch
The Cobra stretch is
one of the most effective stretching exercises to increase height. It is simple
and easy to execute and does not put too much stress on the body. The basic
purpose of the cobra stretch is stretching out the spine and elongating
the body. It not only tones the muscles of the back and abdomen but also stretches
and strengthens the cartilage present in the spinal cord which helps in
increasing height.Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat with your hands placed on
the floor, under your shoulders, legs stretched behind and toes joined
together. Now, exhale and thrust your torso off the floor with the support of
your arms and straighten out your torso as much as you can. Wait in this
position for 30 seconds and then return to the starting position by lowering
your torso to the floor. Repeat this exercise 2 to 3 times. Plus, it is also
one of the healing yoga exercises for neck pain.
Cat and Cow Stretch
One of the best ways
to increase height in a natural manner is to perform stretches. Stretches are
not only the best exercises for warm-up, but they also help in toning the body
and increasing height. You can begin with the Cat and Cow stretch.Begin the
posture on all fours, then breathe in and arch your spine inwards while lifting
your head and hips, and arch your spine outward towards the ceiling as you
breathe out. Lower your head and draw in your pelvis in this position. Repeat
this movement 15 times at a stretch. This stretching exercise helps in opening
up the spine and strengthening the shoulders, chest, back, and arms. It is also
one of the most useful yoga moves for back pain relief.
Pelvic Shift
The pelvic shift
exercise is one of the best height increase exercises that targets and
stretches the spine and lower hips, which is essential for increasing height.
This is undoubtedly one of the easiest exercises for growing taller.Lie on the
floor with your shoulder and arms placed on the floor, your knees bent and feet
placed on the floor. Lift your hips and torso up off the floor by pressing your
feet into the ground and form a straight line from the nape of the neck to the
knees. Remain in this position for 30 seconds. Lower your hips slowly to the
ground. Repeat this exercise 3 to 4 times. This is one of the most power
packed mat exercises for abs, hips and thighs.
Table Top
This is an effective but slightly difficult exercise
for height increase, and it requires a lot of practice to do perfectly. But
this stretching exercise works wonders for increasing height. It also helps in
firming the back muscles and spine.Sit on the floor with your legs stretched in
front, and your palms placed on the floor near your hips. Press your hands and
feet into the ground and lift your body up to form the shape of a table. Keep
your arms straight and feet bend from the knees. Stay in this posture for 20
seconds and come to the starting position. Repeat it 2 to 3 times.
Triangle Pose
The triangle pose is an effective yoga for increasing
height that stretches and strengthens the hamstring, calves, spine, hips, and
groin. It also improves digestion and reduces anxiety, back pain and
stress.Stand straight with your feet placed 4 feet apart. Turn your right foot
out 90 degrees and left foot 15 degrees. Breathe out and bend your body to the
right from your hips, raise your left hand straight up in the air and touch
your right hand to your right ankle. Keep both arms straight and in one line.
Be steady in this position for 30 seconds and repeat it on the other side.
Repeat it on both sides 2 times.
Downward Facing Dog
This is the best type of yoga for weight loss which also aids
in increasing height. This yoga pose lengthens the spines and strengthens the
legs, feet, arms, and shoulders. It is also helpful for relieving fatigue,
insomnia, headache, and stress.Begin on all fours and lift your hips up by
straightening your legs so that your body forms an inverted V shape.
your hands shoulder width apart and feet hip-width apart. Keep your shoulders
wide and press your hands on the ground. Hold the pose in a relaxed manner
while taking long breaths. Wait for 30 seconds and come back to the starting
position. Repeat it 2 to 3 times.
So, follow a healthy diet chart and include these useful stretching and yoga
exercises in your daily routine to increase your height naturally.
Effective Exercises to Increase Your Height
Reviewed by foodviki
5:10 AM

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