Try this Drink and get good result for your life. Green tea is an excellent drink to start your day. Not many know about its benefits as well as that there is a tea based diet which includes both green tea and almond milk. This excellent combination tastes good and does not give a feeling of hunger as well.
Moreover, it cleans and detoxifies the body. In just a day you’ll be able to lose 0.5 kg releasing all the excess fluid in your body. Do not practice drinking this more than 2 times a month. There might be some contraindications due to milk intolerance, low pressure, kidney and gallbladder disease, so you have to consult a doctor.
2 tsp original green tea, not teabags because they do not provide the same effect;
5 liter almond milk
Boil the almond milk and let it cool to 70 degrees, then add 2 tbsp. of the green tea.
Drink more than 2 liters non-carbonated, purified water during the day as the tea is a strong diuretic, thus water will maintain the balance in your organism. Also, you won’t feel hungry because this will keep you full during the day.
Lose Weight and Detox Your Body by Consuming Green Tea and Almond Milk
Reviewed by foodviki
10:41 PM

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